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fuel tank, fuel pump, fuel pressure
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Author:  Dutch Dart GT 64 [ Wed Apr 10, 2024 11:46 am ]
Post subject:  fuel tank, fuel pump, fuel pressure

From last year on, my Dart keep having fuel problems. The fuel filter is constantly empty or half full and when flooring the car it won't speed up since it seems there isn't enough fuel.

This problem was with the mechanical pump, but after installing an additional electric pump (bypassing the mechanical pump) there was still this problem. After sintalling the electrical pump on top of the mechanical pump (so first electrical pump, then pushing it to the mechanical pump) still the same problem.

I am seriously thinking about getting rid of the car all together since I have zero trust in it bringing me from A to B...

But since there is only one convertible 64 Dart in the NLs that I am aware of... it is kinda special to drive in, AND there is no market for these cars (at least that is what I'm telling my wife).

I need help from someone from the US since I can't manage to figure out all the partnumbers, different inch sizes etc to get the right parts.
Is there anyone who could just tell me, what the partnumbers are for a fuel tank, fuel sender etc.

for example, why is there so much choice in fuel sending units, and how do I select the right one? ... +unit,4436
exactly the same for a fuel tank; ... +tank,6268
there are 4 options, ranging $ 77 to $ 192.

there is so much to choose from and I have zero idea how to make the right choice...

Author:  Rick Covalt [ Wed Apr 10, 2024 5:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: fuel tank, fuel pump, fuel pressure

Take your fuel line off at the carb and verify if you are really having a lack of fuel issue before replacing the tank and the sender. You could also blow back through the lines to verify the lines are open.

Author:  Dutch Dart GT 64 [ Wed Apr 10, 2024 11:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: fuel tank, fuel pump, fuel pressure

Thanks for your reply,

I already did this also to make sure there wasn’t any vacuum in the tank. When blowing the fuel line it starts to bubble in the tank…

Author:  Dart270 [ Thu Apr 11, 2024 4:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: fuel tank, fuel pump, fuel pressure

I assume you have tried drawing fuel from an external gas tank (like fuel can for a lawnmower) that cannot have any restrictions? If that does not fix it, then it seems your problem could possibly be with the carburetor?

What electrical pump are you using again?


Author:  Dutch Dart GT 64 [ Thu Apr 11, 2024 7:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: fuel tank, fuel pump, fuel pressure

Yes I've tried with an external fuel tank, and still the same issue.

How could the carburetor have a problem that causes insufficient fuel to the fuel filter??

Author:  Rick Covalt [ Thu Apr 11, 2024 9:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: fuel tank, fuel pump, fuel pressure

Are you just talking about the filter not being filled with fuel?

Author:  Dutch Dart GT 64 [ Thu Apr 11, 2024 11:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: fuel tank, fuel pump, fuel pressure


after a while the filter runs empty and the car has died twice now. Sometimes the fuel filter is completely full and sometimes there's hardly any fuel in it. When hitting the gas it hardly accelerates then, since there simply isn't enough fuel.
I haven't figured out when it happens, there is no correlation with temperature, long/short drives etc. I tried to figure out a logical explenation, haven't found it yet... therefore I simply don't trust to drive it with my family anymore since the car can die any moment... or not...

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Thu Apr 11, 2024 1:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: fuel tank, fuel pump, fuel pressure

The fuel filter is constantly empty or half full
It's not supposed to be anywhere near all the way full when the engine is running. This is normal.
and when flooring the car it won't speed up since it seems there isn't enough fuel.
No, it's because you've got some other problem—there's something the matter with the carburetor and/or ignition system.
This problem was with the mechanical pump, but after installing an additional electric pump (bypassing the mechanical pump) there was still this problem. After sintalling the electrical pump on top of the mechanical pump (so first electrical pump, then pushing it to the mechanical pump) still the same problem.
None of this was a good idea. Take off the electric pump; they are not safe on cars like yours unless additional parts are also added.
I am seriously thinking about getting rid of the car all together since I have zero trust in it bringing me from A to B...
Well, you could…but you could also do some careful, systematic diagnosis rather than just fixating on what you guess is "not enough fuel" in the fuel filter.
Is there anyone who could just tell me, what the partnumbers are for a fuel tank, fuel sender etc
What makes you think you need a new fuel tank and sender?
there is so much to choose from and I have zero idea how to make the right choice...
Choosing and buying parts comes after you correctly figure out what parts you need.

Author:  Rick Covalt [ Thu Apr 11, 2024 1:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: fuel tank, fuel pump, fuel pressure

It's not supposed to be anywhere near all the way full when the engine is running. This is normal.
Yes that is what I thought also.

Author:  Greg Ondayko [ Fri Apr 12, 2024 7:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: fuel tank, fuel pump, fuel pressure

I have a clear plastic fuel filter on the '69 Dart sometimes it looks completely empty when the engine is running - just using a mechanical pump on the engine.

The car has a 4 Bbl and other frivolous modifications too. I never have had any fuel issues with the pump or filter.

Check the Carb or Ign system or possibly the timing chain. But at this point, you have to begin to rule out things that are causing your issues possibly one item at a time.

Good luck!


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