Slant Six Forum

Electronic ignotion ballast resistors
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Author:  moose340 [ Tue Sep 02, 2003 11:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Electronic ignotion ballast resistors

Well I read a post and someone said they were having ballast resistor problems with their Mopar performance electric ignition.

So I looked into my Catalog and found 3 different resistors depending on ignition.

Point system- use P4529795

Electric ignition with 1/4 ohm coil - P2444641

Electric ignition with 1 ohm coil - P5206436

Basically i am using the last resistor since I am using an Accel Supercoil.

Also would like to plug for being one of the cheapest dealerships to get Mopar performance parts if of course you order online.

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