Slant Six Forum

Ford 300 Experimential Block You Tube Video
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Author:  hyper_pak [ Fri Jan 24, 2025 9:40 am ]
Post subject:  Ford 300 Experimential Block You Tube Video

Maybe some of our hard core racers will enjoy this video.
The Drag Boss is a Ford guy but he finds some cool racing ford six stuf.
This is a special cast ford block with a lot of features.
Just for starters it has a 4.135 BORE.
The block owner is a racer named Bob Heuttman.

He is the link to the Video.

If only we could have gotten some support other than bolt on stuff.

Author:  Greg Ondayko [ Fri Jan 24, 2025 10:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ford 300 Experimential Block You Tube Video

I saw that one pop up, but have not had the time to digest the content yet.

Thanks for sharing.


Author:  Greg Ondayko [ Fri Jan 24, 2025 10:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ford 300 Experimential Block You Tube Video

I bet Six Gun has something to offer on this, he seems to know quite a bit on the ford inline 6's


Author:  Greg Ondayko [ Fri Jan 24, 2025 4:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ford 300 Experimential Block You Tube Video

They have Allen Johnson and cleveland casting.

We have ACTC, half a world and a language barrier.

Cool stuff.

Author:  CNC-Dude [ Sat Jan 25, 2025 7:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ford 300 Experimential Block You Tube Video

He is/was part of the Ambrose, Argenta and Huettman racing team that was highly competitive in their Ford inline powered Comp Eliminator drag car. They were instrumental in getting Ford to add a Ford Motorsports 6 cylinder block and the Alan Johnson billet head to the brands racing catalog of parts. We raced against them often with Chevy 6 rear engine dragster and they were a class act for sure.
They have nothing to do with this, but due to the huge surge in popularity for the Ford 300 engine on both TV hot rod shows and magazine exposure, discussions with vendors in that industry at the recent PRI show has made deals to produce and cast an aluminum performance cylinder head for those engines....

Author:  hyper_pak [ Sat Jan 25, 2025 8:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ford 300 Experimential Block You Tube Video

A cross flow head or a stock layout?

Author:  CNC-Dude [ Sat Jan 25, 2025 9:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ford 300 Experimential Block You Tube Video

Actually they have agreed to develop both....

Author:  slantzilla [ Sat Jan 25, 2025 11:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ford 300 Experimential Block You Tube Video

The 300 is still popular in Comp, our stuff not so much. Comp guys seem to have very deep pockets. Us, not to their level.

If I wasn't butthole deep in Slant stuff I'd have a 67 Fairlane with a 300.

If ifs and buts were candy and nuts it would be Christmas every day.

Author:  CNC-Dude [ Sat Jan 25, 2025 2:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ford 300 Experimential Block You Tube Video

I think the largest limitation to the Slant is the cubic inch. It fits such a narrow range of classes in Sportsman racing drag classes that i'm sure that's probably held back a lot of performance companies over the years to develop stuff for them. The Ford and Chevy brands have smaller CID 6 cylinder engines as well, but the big draw is they also have 300 cubic inch which seems to allow them to fit into many more classes and still be competitive. Just imagine a 300 CID Slant...About 5 years ago, another company not to far from me began offering new CNC ported replacement cast iron heads for the Ford 300. They are still a huge hit and they also have a wide range of other brands they offer heads for, both cast iron and aluminum. Might not be a bad idea to see what they might be willing to do for a Slant. The Ford 300 hasn't been made in 30 years now, so i'm sure they are having these Ford heads cast somewhere...

Author:  slantzilla [ Sat Jan 25, 2025 3:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ford 300 Experimential Block You Tube Video

Biggest issue with a Slant is the tiny bore. It's kind of built backwards with the tiny bore and long stroke.

I was on a 292 Chevy page on FB the other day. They have an aluminum head available, but some claim it makes no more power than a well ported iron head.

Where have I heard that before?

Author:  CNC-Dude [ Sat Jan 25, 2025 5:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ford 300 Experimential Block You Tube Video

That aluminum head is the Sissell 12 Port head and has 400 CFM intake port flow capability. There are currently at least 2 Chevy racers that are making 1000+ HP on a 292 with a turbo using that head. I had matching cylinder head patterns and took one of those heads to one of the Slant banquets in Pigeon Forge 7 or 8 years ago to show those guys what kind of potential I could produce for them in a similar head.

Author:  hyper_pak [ Sun Jan 26, 2025 7:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ford 300 Experimential Block You Tube Video

Nice HP figures for sure.
Here is an early Sissell head.
With Webers of course.

Sissell Head s.JPG
Sissell Head s.JPG [ 78.71 KiB | Viewed 1776 times ]

Author:  CNC-Dude [ Sun Jan 26, 2025 8:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ford 300 Experimential Block You Tube Video

That is a Sissell prepped OEM Chevy siamese intake port head. They are unique in that they only have 3 intakes, each feeding 2 cylinders. He created a brazed "lump" that was in the intake ports to eliminate the flat port floor by raising the floor to create a better short side radius. The did work well and he was a great innovator. He did heads for all inlines including Slants and Ford's.

The Sissell aluminum 12 port head actually created 12 separate ports, 6 intake and 6 exhaust with the intake ports elevated above the exhaust ports in a different plane at about a 45 degree angle. I've posted pics of my version here before but add another one to show the differences....

The top pic is of my aluminum 12 Port cylinder head similar to the Sissell 12 Port head. With 1.94" intake valves and light deburr in the ports, they flowed 290-300 CFM on the intake right out of the box. Intake ports are at about a 45° angle relative to the deck surface and square in shape, the exhaust ports are round. Not mine, but one customer of Sissell's that had their head CNC machined and flowed near 370 CFM on the intake and is one of the guys that makes over 1000 HP that I mentioned earlier.

The bottom pic below shows the modified brazed intake port that Sissell did to the stock OEM siamese intake port cylinder head with the bolt boss milled out and the floor filled with brass to create a SSR. Stock port flow was in the neighborhood of 160 CFM with 1.72" intake valves. With the brazed port and larger intake valves, usually 1.94", the flow increased to between 260-270 CFM.

Marshall 12 Port head.jpg
Marshall 12 Port head.jpg [ 45.84 KiB | Viewed 1763 times ]
Sissell brazed port1.jpg
Sissell brazed port1.jpg [ 66.63 KiB | Viewed 1766 times ]

Author:  ceej [ Tue Jan 28, 2025 6:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ford 300 Experimential Block You Tube Video

Seven main bearings on a 292. That makes a big difference in keeping the crank in one piece.


Author:  CNC-Dude [ Thu Jan 30, 2025 4:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ford 300 Experimential Block You Tube Video

There's been mention here before about a few Slants making 600 HP in Oz with forced induction. I'm sure there has been quite a few N/A Slants make a bit over 300 HP with a decently ported head. I'm sure there is more potential left yet to get out of a ported stock head. Maybe someday an aluminum performance head may eventual be created, but until then, these engines are very robust and stout and can handle quite a bit more, both N/A and blown than what's already achieved. I know that the Slant crowd has been told over and over that these engines are too limited by their small bores and undersquare bore to stroke parameters, but many other engine guys have been told the same thing as well, but there are a lot of engines that truly are far worse than the Slant as far as small bores are concerned, and yet have been able to defy the odds and produce above stellar results. One example is the Ford Flathead V8, it doesn't even have a traditional cylinder head and the valves are in the block. Probably the most iconic Chrysler Hemi Super Stock racer of all times, the late Dick Landy, partnered with Land Speed racer Ron Main to create a record holding 300 MPH streamliner using a Ford Flathead V8. Still using the valves in the block configuration(no OHV conversion setup), Landy was able to produce over 700 HP with a centrifugal Paxton or Vortech supercharger that many were also told for many years, that the bores are too small and you can't do much with that engine, and they only have 3 mains,while most other V8's have 5 mains....A lot of people sell the Slant short, and more potential is left in them still....

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