Slant Six Forum

Ga. Predictions
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Author:  Tom Drake [ Wed Sep 17, 2003 5:34 am ]
Post subject:  Ga. Predictions

OK Lets hear them!

Will it be a 50 point race?
Will Dale win?
Will Ron H. go out early enough to give Dale a chance???


Author:  Ron Parker [ Wed Sep 17, 2003 5:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

Tom i think this is going to be a 50 points race and im going to win it home town boy home town track :D :D Possum Parker

gone bagel bagging back in 12.80 seconds

Author:  Tom Drake [ Wed Sep 17, 2003 5:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

I guess that means you are not willing to share any track secrets with us "out-o-towners" huh?? :lol:

Like where the pot hole is...or which lane is 7" shorter...etc.


Author:  Tom Drake [ Fri Sep 19, 2003 3:32 pm ]
Post subject: 

I predict one old race car will make a "new" appearence. :wink:


Author:  Ron Parker [ Fri Sep 19, 2003 4:28 pm ]
Post subject: 

Tom racing is at Paradise Drag Strip is like home field advantge for us down here. Dale Me and Norman along with about 3 more slant drivers know the track. But being the good sport that i am i will not give out any secrets. Besides yall have a real good racing package and it showed at Wilksboro. PS where did you get that bamboozler thats on your engine.Thanks Possum Parker :D :D

gone bagel bagging back in 12.81 seconds

Author:  Tom Drake [ Sun Sep 21, 2003 6:26 pm ]
Post subject: 

PS where did you get that bamboozler thats on your engine.
It's not the bamboozler you should be concerned with.....its the driver. :D :D

Well can you at least tell me if they sell alcohol at the track. And before you ask..the racing kind not the drinking kind! :lol:

Just want to know how much we need to bring with us.


Author:  Slant Cecil [ Sun Sep 21, 2003 6:47 pm ]
Post subject: 

Tom, in GA they call racing alcohol 'drinkin gas'.
My GA prediction is, I won't be there for my 1st SS Race. I made a bonehead mistake. Scrambled around last couple of weeks, got everything ready, called work to take my last two sick days off (I work weekends), called Charlie S to see if and when he's leaving, that's when I found out I had the WRONG weekend! For some reason I thought the race was on the 20th. At least I didn't drive 500 miles for nothing, just missing the race is bad enough as I can't take off for work again. :cry:
If the Silver Dollar race date stands, I'll see every one there next memorial day.


Author:  Ron Parker [ Mon Sep 22, 2003 4:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

Tom they don.t sell any type of alochol at the track so bring about 50 gals. I think your car has two or three bamboozlers in it two for the engin/trans and one for the driver maybe more. Thanks Possum Parker :D :D

went up a jet size and cut a tenth off the car went 8.04 and was still at 1400 egt going up for next weekend how bout them bagels

Author:  Tom Drake [ Mon Sep 22, 2003 6:13 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hey Ron - went to a heads-up 6.70 race Sat. They were running a .400 protree so there is no bambozzler that will help the driver on that tree! 6 rounds and all my lights were .460-.488. Not bad for a duck with a little old slant six huh?

I predict that a possum is going to get treed in GA this weekend.

Filled up all 5 jugs today. We are ready!

See ya Saturday. Should get to Calhoun around 7pm on Friday. Sorry to hear you wont make it Cecil. Just means you have to make a run at rookie of the year in 2004!

Author:  Ron Parker [ Thu Sep 25, 2003 6:06 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yea Tom but you are not running a 400 pro tree at Paradise you are running a paradise bracket tree :D :D Quack Quack :D :D Possum Parker

bagel is hurting and that makes me feel bad

Author:  Tom Drake [ Thu Sep 25, 2003 6:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yeah the bracket tree is easier!! :twisted: :twisted:

See ya Saturday.


Author:  slantzilla [ Thu Sep 25, 2003 9:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

Go get 'im, Possum! :D :D :D :D

Author:  Guest [ Sat Sep 27, 2003 8:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

Tom Drake over Ron Parker in the slant six final today at Paradise in Calhoun, Ga.

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