Slant Six Forum

How do you "Launch" a stock \6?
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Author:  greasy 225 [ Wed Oct 01, 2003 3:47 pm ]
Post subject:  How do you "Launch" a stock \6?

Was just curious, do you footbrake it as far as you can revv it without spinin the tires, or do you pull up to the the line and put it in neutral and punch it into gear? I was talkin to a guy that raced a 60 Valient(100% stock)and he would put in N and rev it to 2000 rpm them punch it into D, is that a normal thing for \6 racers? :oops:

Author:  87Slant_sickness [ Wed Oct 01, 2003 4:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

DONT DO NEUTRAL DROPS, who ever said that is alittle "off" on knowlege, thats a good way to blow something up.

on a stock slant you can prettymuch just go to the line, hold the brakes as tight as you can, slam your foot to the floor, hold it there till the light turns and let off the brake, i doubt a stock slant is gonna get any wheelspin or that much of it... (this uses the stall speed on the torque converter which is why high stall converters are made.)


Author:  greasy 225 [ Thu Oct 02, 2003 1:14 am ]
Post subject: 

I used to do tranny drops in a 61 Chevy biscayne with a glide an never broke a thing, it was just something I had heard from a guy that actually ran one at the drags. My valiant if I mash the gas to the floor it'll instaly spin the tire, and it's stock.

Author:  Pierre [ Thu Oct 02, 2003 1:56 am ]
Post subject: 

A stock 225 spin tires... wish I could see that. Heck, wish mine could do that. We are talking about driver worthy tires, on dry pavement with stock gearing right? Maybe with a radical torque converter.....

I did a few neutral drops just for kicks and I got them to turn for about 2 seconds before traction picked up but that was it.

Author:  Dart270 [ Thu Oct 02, 2003 6:51 am ]
Post subject: 


The standard way is to pull up to the line in gear, put your left foot on the brake and bring the revs up to around 1500 (stock converter), then just take your foot off the brake and mash the gas. You will get better traction this way, especially on a sticky dragstrip pad.

If you're still spinning, get a bigger tire.


Author:  NCDart [ Thu Oct 02, 2003 7:55 am ]
Post subject: 

Yeah, what Lou said. By the way, my former stock slant would easily spin the tires, but they were tiny 13". Get a bigger tire and you will not spin.


Author:  greasy 225 [ Thu Oct 02, 2003 3:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

If I mash the gas it'll spin, if I ease into it it wont spin. Yes street worthy tires, stock 225, and a stock TC on dry pavement and it will spin the right rear all day long. 13" rims with 195/85s, you guys don't have to belive me, I was just askin a question.

Author:  Pierre [ Thu Oct 02, 2003 4:13 pm ]
Post subject: 

Ah, I guess 13" vs 14" tires is what made the difference.

No hard feelings greasy, I believed you I just found it a bit hard to seein as I have been messin around with relatively stock 225's for a few years and never got tires to spin with just the gas pedal alone.

Author:  greasy 225 [ Fri Oct 03, 2003 12:49 am ]
Post subject: 

Yup thats the ONLY benefit to 13s, for smokey brake stands :D .

Author:  Dennis Weaver [ Fri Oct 03, 2003 6:54 am ]
Post subject: 

Back in the stone ages when my duster was a bone stock /6, I laid 20+ foot stripes (one wheel) on 14" wheels and 75 series tires probably 26" tall (There are many witnesses to these feats still alive today who can attest to this, if necessary). That's what "power braking" is for! :shock:


Author:  Doc [ Fri Oct 03, 2003 9:14 am ]
Post subject: 

When it comes to getting the best ET out of the car, the trick is to get the converter to "work" for you, that won't be much with a stock stall speed but it is something.
Try it two ways:
-Stage and stall the converter as hard as you can with-out getting wheelspin when the brakes come-off.
-Stage at idle then 'floor it', sometimes the converter "flash" effect gives a little more stall RPM and a better 60 foot time.

Get out to a "test & tune" session and try some different stuff to see what works best for your combo.

Author:  Sixgunner [ Sun Nov 09, 2003 6:47 am ]
Post subject:  tire spin

I hate to burst your bubbles guys, but my 1979 Duster 225 Super Six, bone stock, would spin a M/T sportsman, L60-15, on the right rear. We have video of it at Milan Dragway doing it too! Wouldn't spin the stock tires on dry pavement, but it would at the dragstrip!


Author:  Slanted73 [ Sun Nov 09, 2003 4:28 pm ]
Post subject:  stock 225 spins for me

My stock 225 will spin stock 14" tire, but it can't me that big of a deal when the tire tread isn't much wider than my work boot. Besides the Dart is pretty light in the rear.

Author:  Ron Parker [ Sun Nov 09, 2003 5:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

You want to bracket race or spin the tires i have a lot of expernece doing this. Yes a stock slant six will spin the tires if you floorboard it but you can not win much. The trick put as wide tire on it as you can and bring the car on the converter until you feel the car tourqe over and look at that rpm you will feel the car do that that is where you want to be on the converter. Won a bunch of money doing that and still am doing it. Thanks Possum Parker

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