Slant Six Forum

Pontiac 301 turbo setup
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Author:  goalie0002 [ Mon Feb 16, 2004 5:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Pontiac 301 turbo setup

Hi, I have a Pontiac 301 turbo setup that i'm planning to put a a slant 6 engine. The engine is in a 65 Plymouth, and was recently rebuilt. The setup looks just like the one in the turbo article in the article section. I've discovered that when mounted sideways, the carb will sit almost perfectly over the intake manifold. Does anyone have any idea how this will work on the /6? I think the turbo is plenty big enough, and it will have a Q-Jet carb. Is it TOO big for this application? Also, would I need to make any other mods? Thanks for any info and sorry for being so vague. I will take pictures as the project moves along.

Author:  panic [ Tue Feb 17, 2004 8:12 am ]
Post subject: 

Of course. Reducing the engine size 25% has no effect on turbo operation.

Author:  kesteb [ Tue Feb 17, 2004 2:26 pm ]
Post subject: 

It most likely would work OK. Most of the GM draw-thru setups were designed to be conservative and restrictive. In its day, most of the pundits considered that turbo to be to small for the 301. It is only slightly larger then the Buick 231 setup and they are not interchangeable.

You should be able to find specs on that turbo from some of the Buick GN boards. With that information, you could compare to what some of the online turbo sizers say the \6 needs.

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