Slant Six Forum

66 Dart Slant Rebuild and Transmission Modifications
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Author:  66Dart [ Mon Apr 05, 2004 5:47 pm ]
Post subject:  66 Dart Slant Rebuild and Transmission Modifications

For the past three months, I have accomplished two major goals for updating the Dart. Goal one was to convert the three speed column shift to the floor and goal two was to do a complete engine rebuild.

First of all, I would like to take a moment and thank Rob Armstrong (DusterIdiot) for all of his help, insight, and talent in helping me reach these goals. Rob took time from his schedule to help me pull / replace the engine and gave me invaluable insight into the rebuild process. He’s a great mentor and continues to offer his time as required to ‘fine’ tune the slant.

Goal One – Transmission Replacement: To help in the replacement of the column shift A903, I found and hired a local hot rod shop to carefully cut the existing floor as required to install a floor shift hump (provided by Rob !) in order to accept an A230 3 speed transmission I had. The shop did an excellent job in the conversion and it looks completely stock. I installed a new 10 inch clutch, reused my existing bellhousing, and existing driveline with no problem. I purchased and installed a carpet kit from ACC Carpeting to finish off the interior.


Goal Two – Slant Six Engine Rebuild: After 220,000 original miles, the slant was beginning to smoke and was getting ‘tired’. I finally decided that now was the time to perform the rebuild and get it back into the car in time for the spring and summer driving season. Besides, I had to keep up with Rob and his Hyperpak setup !. I purchased a head two years ago from Josh Skinner that had been ‘modified’ with oversize valves and was ready to go. This head along with a Cox bros. double chain set, Comp Cams 264, and Pro-line Dual Weber setup would be the basis of the rebuild. Rob and I pulled the engine the last week in January and I took it into Ott’s Machine Shop here in Portland. Dick Ott performed all the specified machining and re-assembled the block and head. After getting the engine back from Otts, I re-installed the Pro-line dual intake and carbs, Dutra duals exhaust manifold setup, MP electronic distributor, fuel pump, water pump, and other miscellaneous components. Rob and I installed the engine on March 20th and successfully ‘fired’ it up on the 21st. Everything is running great and I’m still in the ‘break in’ period. Rob has helped me add another spring to the distributor and I’m still in the process of tuning the Weber’s. They are running too rich at the moment. Chris at Pro-line is also helping me with that problem. With Rob's suggestion, we added two oxygen sensors which are a great help in the Weber tuning process. Overall, the re-build is a success and there is a ‘huge’ difference in performance. Once the break in period is over, Rob and I are going to take it out to his ‘private’ drag strip in the valley and get some performance data gathered to compare with his Hyperpak.



Author:  ShivaDart [ Mon Apr 05, 2004 6:32 pm ]
Post subject: 

If I could I'd steal your engine and leave you with mine :twisted: . It's a beauty.

Author:  DusterIdiot [ Mon Apr 05, 2004 8:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Curses Foiled again!!!


Awesome! The pics work, and they look great Matt!
We'll have to come up with some funny nickname for you like the 'Red Baron' and I'll have to have the Blue Meanie or something.

Anyhow, always a pleasure to meet and work with other slant sixers that want to 'learn', Matt's car is pretty spotless (Did we ever get dirty pulling the engine?).

Don't know if he's provided the 'vitals' for his build up:

1966 225 block, bored .040 over (Due to bore wear since 1966, not by choice... :shock: )
Drool tube head with O/S valves, pocket ported by Josh Skinner
Push rods by Smith Brothers
Compression Ratio 9.22:1
Com Cams 264S with solid lifters from Motorville (thanks!)
Dutra Duals
Cox Brother's Roller timing set (this is a real nice set, MUCH better than the Mopar Performance set I have)
MP slant six distributor, has extra blue spring added to have all 22 degrees of mechanical advance in by 2300 rpm instead of all in by 1200 (which caused some idle problems/timing problems at low idle 800-1200 rpm)
A-230 synchro 3 speed manual box (1970, wide ratio)
7 1/4" 3.23:1 open rear end

Once we get the little details 'dialed in' I'm thinking we'll be seeing a car worthy of the 15's minimum.... 8)

time to get that 'stroker' motivated, the Dart's gonna eat my Hyperpak car alive..... :wink:

thanks for sharing Matt,


Author:  Al T [ Tue Apr 06, 2004 7:52 am ]
Post subject:  Looking Good!

That is looking real sharp Matt . . . congrads on a job well done.

BTW . . . what finish is that on the Dutra's?

Author:  66Dart [ Tue Apr 06, 2004 8:41 am ]
Post subject: 

Thanks for the compliments everyone. It's been a fun experience and a pleasure to work with Rob.

Al, I had both the intake and exhaust manifolds 'ceramic' coated in that high polished finish by a company here in Portland called 'FinishLine Coatings'. They turned out real nice. They coated both the inside and outside of the exhaust manifolds and only the outside of the intake.


Author:  '65 Dutch Dart [ Tue Apr 06, 2004 8:43 am ]
Post subject:  wow!

too cool! :o

Author:  VDART [ Sun Apr 11, 2004 7:49 am ]
Post subject:  Dart


Author:  Slant Cecil [ Sun Apr 11, 2004 4:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

Nice motor. The interior is awesome!


Author:  slantzilla [ Sun Apr 11, 2004 5:50 pm ]
Post subject: 

Very nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D

Author:  Dart 225 [ Sun Apr 18, 2004 8:11 am ]
Post subject: 

Hi,your car is the hammer. Greeting from Germany

Author:  CVRO [ Fri Apr 30, 2004 5:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

WOW!!! :shock:
it's realy a beauty

Author:  Flyntgr [ Sat May 01, 2004 11:06 am ]
Post subject:  66 Dart

That engine bay is a thing of beauty. I hope my project turns out as nice. I am doing basically the same things as you, with two big exceptions: my car is an automatic, and I'll be using the Offy 4bl manifold and Eddy carb. Let us hear how you like the low end grunt of the Comp 264, as I am trying to choose right now whether to go with that or the 252. If the 264 doesn't sacrifice too much low end, I'd rather go with it due to the high rpm advantages.

Where did you get the valve cover? NICE!

Take her to the strip and let us know what your 60ft and quarter mile times and speeds are. I'm really wanting to know!!!!!

Author:  blue195 [ Mon May 10, 2004 4:01 am ]
Post subject:  master cylinder?

You're using a fruit jar master cylinder?! :shock:

Author:  CVRO [ Mon May 10, 2004 12:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

u have photos of the entire car :?: :?:


Author:  JohnnyDees [ Tue May 11, 2004 2:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

Gorgeous car!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm building a similar 66. If it comes out half as nice as yours I'll be happy.............

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