Slant Six Forum

65 d100 stick to auto
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Author:  mrsn [ Mon Jun 21, 2004 2:16 pm ]
Post subject:  65 d100 stick to auto

I have a clean 65 short-box stepside that is 3 speed on the column, and was wondering what would be involved in switching it to an automatic? I am tired of all the shifting, and with the clutch and throw-out bearing needing replacement, it seems like this may be a good time. I don't want a floor shifter though, would prefer either the dash mounted one or a column shifter.
Which tranny to use?
Any dash shifters available out there?
What about the e-brake on the driveshaft?
Anything I am missing?
Thanks, David

Author:  63gtcv [ Sat Jul 24, 2004 7:47 am ]
Post subject:  nifty-shifty

Way back in the olden days when I was stupider, I mean younger, than I am now, a friend of mine had a 67 Dodge van. The shifter was on the dash. Plus,I think some of the old trucks used a similar shifter. Would be neat to use one of those, though I'm sure they would require the use of a cable shifted tranny,wheather a 904 or 727.

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