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 Post subject: blown 904?
PostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2004 8:19 pm 
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Hey guys
:( I think my recently rebuilt 904 is blown. This is what happened

week ago I had a new ex system (duals) intalled on the car. They are custom made. The tubing goes on the side of the tranny, not touching any part of the transmission sys (not even the oil pump steel tubing that goes to the radiator). No tranny issues to report after this fact. Actually I feel that until yesterday, the 904 was working better or the engine was behaving diffrent.

Last friday I was at a red light on D (brakes actioned) and I got hit from behind. No damage at all (hehe, you oughtta see the VW that bumped my ass... it was trashed) let's say at about 8 to 10 mph (the car that hit me).

Right after the bump, I noticed nothing. I was just about to leave to my father's place (150 miles away from home) and I did so. The shifting was smooth as usual during the trip and town driving, but yesterday, before I cruised back home, the tranny started to slip at a red light. I pulled over and checked fluid, linkage, etc. Everything was fine. Still, the tranny wouldn't shift a normal pattern on D. So I manually shifted it. If I'm on N and shift into D and I have no brakes on, I get 3rd gear, if I shift from N to 1 either braked or not I get 2nd, if I shift from N to 2nd I get 2nd and I can shift to 3rd after moving the car a li'l. I can't get downshifting from 2nd to 1st at any speed. I can get downshifting to 2nd at any speed only if I started on 2nd then went to 3rd. I can get upshifting from 2nd to 3rd at any speed (like if I have a manual valvlebody conversion) even as low as idling.

Can somebody help me?

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2004 8:50 pm 
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Stuck governor valve? This will require removing the tailshaft housing.

Maybe someone else has a better idea.

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 22, 2004 11:54 am 
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might have something to do with driving with incorrect line pressure. might see what other people say about that since you were having a problem with that a while back.

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 22, 2004 2:00 pm 
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That's one of the possibilities that I was thinking of. I'm not thrilled about that :cry:

Perhaps shifting at high line pressure just screwed the govnor?

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 23, 2004 9:50 am 
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I would first check the shifter linkage adjustment, may-be the rearend bump broke the rear trans. mount or kocked the linkage out of adjustment.

After that, it is time to run some pressure checks on the tranny. See the factory service manual for the details. Pressure checking an automatic trans is the best way to figure-out what the problem(s) could be.

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 23, 2004 12:56 pm 
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Thanks guys.
I'm always fine when you can help me. I very much appreciate your tips, since down here mopar owners are scarce and $#!+ with the info.
And thanks especially to Dough Dutra, who I know is a very busy man, and he's always handfull of good advise to help everyone. Doc, you really rock! :D

I'll be dropping the tranny by friday or so. Kickdown and shifting linkage is working properly and trannys mounts are safe and sound... so I guess that the screwup is inside. Maybe the pressures are out of regulation values and that's what keeping the tranny from shifting normally... maybe is the govnor? who knows? I've exhausted the "easy" possibilities on this matter so there's nothing left but check pressures and then drop the thing :? :evil:

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