Slant Six Forum

Slant 6 Rebuild Kits
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Author:  73dart_swinger [ Tue Jun 22, 2004 12:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Slant 6 Rebuild Kits

ive been looking at a rebuild kit for a 225 slant from PAW. it includes cast pistons, rod and main bearings, gasket set, timing chain and gears, and a camshaft with lifters. it states you can get solid, stock, hydraulic, or performance. it runs about $420. i was wondering if anyone had any experience with one of these rebuild kits or if they knew about their quality. my motors has started burning some oil and will probably need a performance rebuild someday in the future so i was just exploring my options.

Author:  NCDart [ Tue Jun 22, 2004 5:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

I have used PAW pistons and rod/main/cam bearings and moly rings. The pistons were of a good enough quality (All of them measured exactly the same). The bearings were all Clevite 77. I got the gaskets, ARP main/rod bolts & studs, and the double roller timing chain from Cox Bros. If I did it again, I would order all my parts from Cox Bros. They are just great to do business with and they know about our /6 for sure. My $.02


Author:  70survivor [ Fri Jun 25, 2004 10:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

I recently bought a master kit from Northern Auto Parts. I was very pleased with what I got for the money.

Chrysler 225 60-80 MECHANICAL CAM - Master Kit

Federal Mogul Rings

Federal Mogul Flattop Piston

Federal Mogul Rod Brgs

Federal Mogul Main Brgs

Federal Mogul Cam Brgs

Melling Oil Pump

Federal Mogul Camshaft

Federal Mogul Lifters

Melling Timing Components

Pioneer Frost Plugs

Victor Gaskets
Make: Chrysler
Model: all mechanical cam
Year: 60-80

Category: Chrysler
Manufacturer: Engine Kits
Model Number: Master Kit
Price: $333.64

Author:  DusterIdiot [ Fri Jun 25, 2004 11:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Nap...

I ordered my 'build' kit from Northern Auto Parts and 'splurged' for the moly rings, and then deep sixed the 'replacement' cam for a Comp Cam 252S. It's actaully cheaper to buy the 'kit' and buy a better cam somewhere else than part together a 'kit and cam' all separately.


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