Slant Six Forum

68 valiant 225 peak performance?
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Author:  rhyno six [ Tue Jun 22, 2004 9:23 pm ]
Post subject:  68 valiant 225 peak performance?

what should my dwell be set at? i have it set at 47. and how about the timing? i have that set at 5 before tdc. and what should i do to get peak performance so i can beat my buddy johnny six's 63 valiant that chirps em in 2nd, when i can't even chirp them from the start?

Author:  Doctor Dodge [ Wed Jun 23, 2004 9:35 am ]
Post subject: 

Try more timing, how about 8 degrees BTDC, any pinging?
The distributor may have a "slow" advance curve in it so checking the total advance and how fast it comes-on would be good information.

Your "lower performance could be related to other factors like vehicle weight or rearend gear ratio.

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