Slant Six Forum

Rusted Super Six
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Author:  ValiantBoy1 [ Sat Jun 26, 2004 12:24 am ]
Post subject:  Rusted Super Six

just got a new intake/exhaust super six manifold.. it's rusted outside and also on the inside.. how would i go about removing this? Is there a solution i could put it in to dissolve all of the rust on this? Thanks guys

Author:  Guest [ Sat Jun 26, 2004 12:58 am ]
Post subject: 

and acid dip would clean it out but unless you know a guy who own a machine shop it will cost you

Author:  Didnt log in! [ Sat Jun 26, 2004 5:04 am ]
Post subject:  acid dip

You can acid dip it your self. Get a large tub (plastic but large enough to put the whole manifold in) clean all the oil and paint off of it put it in the tub and buy a few gallons of muratic acid(found in hard wear stores like hq home depot and lowes)and pour over the manifolds until they are covered. its cheap about 1.00 a gallon or so. folloe the disposal directions I sugest dumping it in a ditch were you dont want plants to grow or your toiles and flush 4 times. when they are clean rinse in plenty of water dry and oil or paint asap. Becarful of small springs and such(like on the exaust manifold)

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