Slant Six Forum

Aftermarket 904 pan
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Author:  Pierre [ Mon Jun 28, 2004 11:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Aftermarket 904 pan

I'm thinking about getting one of these, and the mopar gasket, as suggested by 1969ron in another thread.

I'm curious though... has anyone ever used one of the deep pans that add 2 qts to oil capacity? How low do they sit? I'm worried about them bottoming out over a speedbump, or is that a non-issue?

Second decision to make... cast (aluminum) or standard stamped steel? The cheapest cast one I can find is the TCI (2 qts extra), @ $120 while the cheapest ordinary steel is $50 (1 qt extra) via mopar performance. I don't really care about the extra cooling capacity provided by the fins cast into the aluminum pieces, but just desire a more bulletproof seal.

They use the same filters as stock I assume so I don't have to go hunting around for a special filter later when need be... and the extension adapter doesn't cause any flow problems?

Author:  72swing [ Wed Jul 07, 2004 6:08 pm ]
Post subject:  904- Item in discussion?

I was just curious what thread the item in question was posted in. If you don't have it, then could you give me the name of the company making the aftermarket 904 pan? I am considering getting a stamped steel one and getting it powder coated, or else getting an aftermarket pan. As always, any information greatly appreciated.

Author:  slantzilla [ Thu Jul 08, 2004 7:51 pm ]
Post subject: 

I have run the MP deep pan for years. It is about 2" or so deeper than a stock pan. If you bottom it, you will have lots more damage to worry about too. :shock:

Author:  Pierre [ Thu Jul 08, 2004 8:51 pm ]
Post subject: 

This is the thread:

I bought the pan from a dealer and its in now. Comes with stamped pan, ordinary rubber gasket, filter extension, longer screws to attach filter extension, filter itself, drain plug and plastic plug gasket.

Deffinately suggest getting the seperate gasket too. Guy I know at the parts counter says the mechanics there love those vs the regular rubber ones.

For the pan kit, you need to order part P4007886AB, as P4007886 shows up as N/A.

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