Slant Six Forum

4 speed bellhousings and input shaft sizes.
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Author:  IMGTX [ Thu Jul 15, 2004 8:08 pm ]
Post subject:  4 speed bellhousings and input shaft sizes.

I have a 70 Barracuda 198 3-speed. I just put the engine back in and she runs good but I want to dress her up a bit.

I have a 4 speed and a Pistol grip shifter but I need a 4 speed bellhousing, as you know the early bellhousings will not bolt up a 4 speed.

Now my questions.

What should I look for in a 4 speed bellhousing?

What years were they available?

Are truck housings a no no or will they bolt up OK?

Did they all come with the same size input shaft retainers or are some of them different, and what size is it?

What about the fork? I heard that the 3 speed forks won't work in a 4 speed housing so will a V8 work or do I have to get one from that 4 speed housing?

Any problems with the clutch linkage I should know about?

Why is the sky blue? :D

Any information about what I should do and look for would be great.

Thanks guys.

Author:  sixty4dartgt [ Thu Jul 15, 2004 11:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

I have a '64 and it is factory 4 speed. They are available.
I can't answer all your questions but ...
-the early bell housing will bolt up a 4 speed if it is a 4 speed bell housing
-the boot, fork, and "z"bar from a 3 speed will work on a 4 speed
-the OD transmission came with a different (aluminum)bellhousing
-I know getting the big (11") truck bell housing in a A body is difficult, but it might not be hard in your E body since they came with Big blocks
-I don't think the linkage will change
-what to look for depends on some things:
1. Is your motor stock? If so, will it stay stock?
2. Is your 4 speed OD?

Putting a 4 speed in shouldn't be hard, but if you hop up the motor, you will have to change the stock pressure plate and disc.

Author:  IMGTX [ Fri Jul 16, 2004 8:23 am ]
Post subject: 

Thanks for the info. I do not plan on hopping it up just dressing it up. I have a Cuda hood and was planning on putting "Six Pack" on the side at the tail of the a hockey stick stripe.

Out of curiosity is the 4 speed in your 64 an A-833 or was it something else? I am a little uninformed about most of the earlier stuff.

I had even though of drilling a 3 speed housing to bolt a 4 speed to it. I had a 340 Challenger that stripped out several of the bolt holes. I put bolts in from the inside of the bellhousing and attatched the tranny with nuts as if I had studs in the housing. I drove and raced it like that for several yearrs till the clutch went out and I put helicoils in it. I would rather not "Gerry rig it" like that though. Not even sure it would work on a slant six anyway.

Thanks again.

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