Slant Six Forum

shift lever adjustment?
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Author:  '68signet [ Sat Jul 17, 2004 1:12 pm ]
Post subject:  shift lever adjustment?

Hello all

Other than the obvious 1/2 " bolt and sliding bar in the automatic shift lever linkage, is there a way to adjust the slack out of the shift actuating lever on the trans? Mine seems to be quite sloppy after I have adjusted the linkage six ways from sunday and have narrowed it down to the shift lever.

My car is a two door sedan 68 Signet with a 225 and a column shift A904.

Any help would be great,

Author:  Doctor Dodge [ Tue Jul 20, 2004 11:06 pm ]
Post subject: 

Did you check the kickdown lever's "slop" with the engine running?
The lever will be harder to push when the trans has pressure.

There is a travel limit adjustment for the kickdown lever but it is on the valvebody, you will have to drop the trans pan to make that adjustment.

Author:  '68signet [ Wed Jul 21, 2004 6:45 am ]
Post subject: 

Thanks Doc, I'm going to install a B&M shif kit soon so I will be able to check out the lever adjustment on the valve body. I will first check the lever while the engine is running (properly secured to jackstands!!) to see if I can figure it out.

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