Slant Six Forum

First gear in a 904
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Author:  RE Jones [ Wed Jul 21, 2004 9:45 am ]
Post subject:  First gear in a 904

On my 34 roadster, blown slant 225 and 904 tranny with 323 gears under the rear, first gear shifts out at 2800 rpms with my foot on the floor. second gear will pull up to 4200 rpms before it shifts. The kickdown linkage is adjusted properly.
My question is, is there any adjustments inside the tranny to make first gear pull to 4000--4300 rpms before it shifts??
Thanks for any responses.

Author:  Dennis Weaver [ Wed Jul 21, 2004 10:09 am ]
Post subject: 

Remove and lighten governor weights (grind material from circumference at center leaving a shoulder on both ends at net dia.) or obtain aftermarket light governor weights... Or install manual valve body.


P. S. - shifting @ 2800 with your foot on the floor sounds like something just about has to be out of whack...

Author:  RE Jones [ Fri Jul 23, 2004 10:43 am ]
Post subject:  Thanks

Thanks, Dennis. I was wondering if maybe the bands were not tight enough in first gear. Second and third gear will wind out to redline without any problems.
The car doesn't weigh but 1400 lbs and at first I thought that was the problem untill the other two gears would go to redline.

Author:  Doctor Dodge [ Sat Jul 24, 2004 12:42 am ]
Post subject: 

You may want to try a stronger spring in the 1st / 2nd shift valve.
Doing this adjustment will make the 1st / 2nd shift happen at a higher RPM. (a governor weight change will increase the shift RPM of both shifts)

The 1st / 2nd and the 2nd / 3rd shift valves and springs are under a large end plate on the passenger side of the valve body. Inspect the valves and their bores carefully, a heavy scratch will bleed-off pressure and alter the shift point(s)

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