Slant Six Forum

converting from a 318 to 360 with a a-833
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Author:  ruse247 [ Wed Jul 28, 2004 11:34 pm ]
Post subject:  converting from a 318 to 360 with a a-833

i have a 76 aspen with a 318 manual trans and a 79 with a 360 h.o auto trans brining me to my question of how easy the swap will be can i just put the flywheel off the 318 on the 360 or will that trow off my engine balance. i have alread swaped a volare 318 to a 360 with little problems but they where both auto. any info that you guys could provide would be awsome i'm not too familar with the a-833.

Author:  ruse247 [ Wed Jul 28, 2004 11:56 pm ]
Post subject:  little side note

I have a a-833 gearbox with no bell houseing and no shifter i know its from another aspen cause i got i from the guy who sold me the car im swapin the 360 into. can i get a bell houseing from any 833 4 speed short or long shaft if so what would i be looking for in a doner car for the parts will a truck or van be the same as far as bellhouseing i know the linkage differs also can a auto crossmember be moded for a manual im attempting to make a volare auto which i blew the tranny to use the manual gear box with a slant 6 know i need a flywheel and i wonder if they differ between trucks and cars.

Author:  kesteb [ Thu Jul 29, 2004 3:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

This question could be better answered on , but here goes.

The 360 is an externally balanced engine, the 318 is an internally balanced engine. You will need a flywheel from a 360. The rear cross member is the same for all tranmissions. The bellhousing you need will have to match the bearing retainer on your transmission. Over the years, there were three differant sizes. So measures yours and go find the correct bellhousing.

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