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PostPosted: Tue May 29, 2012 3:53 pm 
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Chaz.- one pic of the Krylon can be found under Valve Cover Pics? Pcv is mounted off another piece coming off of the passenger's side of the cover. I will dig around some more.

66 Lil' Red Piggie Valiant (Mater Crusher) - Thanks Zilla!!!!! 72 Demon (Number 1 Son's)

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PostPosted: Tue May 29, 2012 6:11 pm 
Turbo EFI
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. . . I did see someone post a picture of one with a nice red powdercoated fin area with something that was chrome and kind of bell shaped with a pcv in it. THAT one caught my eye but have not seen it any more.
That was the one I had done - Phoenix Specialty Coatings out of Greenfield TN did the red (Flag Red) between the fins for me. Prior to getting it done, I had another stovepipe TIG'd in place as well as a pair of stock style baffles TIG'd under each stovepipe. I don't have much luck in posting pictures here. You can see it over at FABO - take a look at post 11 of this thread ... p?t=180271 The oil filler cap and PCV are stock chrome 65 Commando valve cover pieces

65 Dart station wagon slant 6 - now under construction
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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed May 30, 2012 11:32 am 
1 BBL (New)

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Here is the valve cover.

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PostPosted: Wed May 30, 2012 12:24 pm 
Turbo EFI
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Here is the valve cover.
Yep that's mine. I've got pictures on my phone with the chris oil filler cap and chrome PCV cap with a NOS PCV valve. With those 2 pieces on it, the valve cover just pops!

sent from my iPhone

65 Dart station wagon slant 6 - now under construction
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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed May 30, 2012 12:43 pm 
1 BBL (New)

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Leanna did an awesome job on your covers! As soon as I can afford a cover I want her to do one for me in green for my Dart.

1969 Dart Custom 225 slant 6

 Post subject: Got some poop!
PostPosted: Wed May 30, 2012 12:55 pm 
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Just started the phone calls. Started with Dan at EAS. Based on our level of interest so far here is his quote:

2 x 1 intake $259.99 + shipping

4bbl intake $249.99 + shipping

Valve Cover $144.20 + shipping

Average time frame 8 to 10 weeks for product to be in you hands. The more product time frame lessens. From here I will prolly call both AAA and Howell and see if they are interested and can beat his prices.

Please let me know if you have suggestions any/all input welcome - after all it is a group effort.

66 Lil' Red Piggie Valiant (Mater Crusher) - Thanks Zilla!!!!! 72 Demon (Number 1 Son's)

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PostPosted: Thu May 31, 2012 7:20 am 
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Just got off the phone with Howell Auto. Said he was interested but didn't want to talk much about it - kinda cut me short - whole conversation lasted about two minutes. Weird. Got an e-mail address and will e-mail him our wants and I am to get a quote. Let ya all know how this progresses.

66 Lil' Red Piggie Valiant (Mater Crusher) - Thanks Zilla!!!!! 72 Demon (Number 1 Son's)

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 9:34 am 
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Just got off the phone with AAA Marine - finally found their phone number on their EBay site. Talked with an older guy and the first thing he started in on the difficulty getting parts from Offy. This does not surprise me. I started talking group buy saying all the right things. When I got to talking about shopping for the lowest prices he proudly said WE have the lowest prices. When I corrected him ( told him I could beat his listed prices) Things went south immediately - He did not want our business.

E-mailed Howell Auto yesterday just before noon - have not gotten anything yet.
It would not surprise me if Howell does not get back with us. I will follow through with Howell however. Can't believe that someone would not want to move this amount of parts.

66 Lil' Red Piggie Valiant (Mater Crusher) - Thanks Zilla!!!!! 72 Demon (Number 1 Son's)

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 10:20 am 
Turbo EFI

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I think its time for you to do what I pm'd you about when this thread started several weeks ago, that will get you the best deal for everyone.

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 Post subject: But wait there's more!
PostPosted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 1:02 pm 
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Howell just e-mailed me. Here is their offer:

Valve Cover - $136 even beats $144.20

2x1 intake - $245 beats $259.99

4bbl - $225 beats $249.99

Talk to me folks! More details to come,

66 Lil' Red Piggie Valiant (Mater Crusher) - Thanks Zilla!!!!! 72 Demon (Number 1 Son's)

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 5:58 pm 
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Prices sounding good, appreaciate the leg work. Keep at it for us. Hows shipping gonna work?

70 Plymouth Valiant 4dr

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 9:05 pm 
4 BBL ''Hyper-Pak''

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I like that price on the intakes from Howell. Let me know how to pay since this would be my first group buy ever. :oops: Thanks for the leg work you have done for us so far!


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PostPosted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 9:33 pm 
3 Deuce Weber
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I'll get on the lists for a Valve Cover and a 2x1 Intake. I realize the shipping costs will be whatever they will be to get them to me. Let me know when & how you want the money, PayPal, US Postal Money Order, whatever, and I'll get it to you. And a big thanks for going to all of the work for this.


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PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 4:33 am 
3 Deuce Weber

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A HUGE thanks from me to you on your efforts and all the time you have spent trying to get a great deal going for all of us. Myself I am liking the prices. My honest (and cheap) price going round and round in my head was getting this 2X1 intake to my door including the shipping for like $250.00. These prices are pretty close and I would be comfortable enough not to 'quibble' over the difference. I do have one thought though. Since Dan at EAS has dealt with you/us in the past and im sure everyone on this site can agree there were no issues with purchasing or shipping, ( I called him and this guy was pleasant and very business like) it would make sense to me to see if he would be interested in stepping up and meeting the prices and getting deals going. Just my opinion but setting up deals with different people could lend issues in getting product, getting parts shipped, lack of timely response on damage isues etc. I dont recall anyone having a single issue with the Offy valve cover except for some members not happy about the lack of polish by the bolt holes. I dont remember even one member being unhappy with the price, the transaction with Dan, or the valve cover. Myself, I would like the ease of mind dealing with someone who has delivered in the past. Just my two cents!!

Too young to throw in the towel,
Too old to be in the ring!

1964 Plymouth Valiant 2 door sedan,
duece and a quarter slant six baby.
(All Mopar, all the time. Any questions)???

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 5:04 am 
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OK......I pretty much agree with Chazram.
I had in mind the $250 limit, too, and the suggestion about letting Dan/EAS know where this is going sounds like a good one.

Still watching, and might get back in for that 2x1 intake.


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