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PostPosted: Thu Dec 05, 2024 6:52 pm 
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I created that meme
Okeh. Rectitude in egine engineering is not a subject that lends itself to accurate sum-up in 76 words and two pics.

Too many people who were born on third base actually believe they've hit a triple.


PostPosted: Fri Dec 06, 2024 5:48 am 
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I created that meme and I have two of those Honda V-6 engines :D

One is packaged in my first generation 2004 Acura MDX SUV with 250k miles I bought after selling the 2006 Mercedes ML-350 SUV complete with hail damage and all its over bloated engineering, complication and high parts prices.

The other is packaged in my second generation 2009 Acura MDX SUV with 180k miles.

Both Acura MDXs are in great condition and, right after purchases; I did perform complete tune-up and maintenance on both including water pumps, timing belts, other belts, fuel injectors, plugs, coil packs, fluids and brakes all around.

The Honda OEM parts cost about HALF of what Mercedes charges for similar parts such as the $220.00 plastic air vent grill on the hood that likes to break after a few years under the sun or a hail stone hits it. :roll:
The 2009 mdx doesn't use the 3.5L. It uses the much more yucky 3.7L engine. Neither MDX has VCM which is a very large problem for vehicles that are equipped with it. VCM is hondas version of a cylinder shutdown feature and it issues with every OEM that has tried it. Hondas vcm engines have had issues with cylinder shutdown causing the oil rings to stick and then the spark plugs cool enough that oil collects on them and they foul out. The non vcm engines just burn the oil as they go and don't foul plugs.

But the reason I say that the 3.7L is yucky is because they all burn oil. My memory is that the early (2007-2009) were a bit better about it than the later (2010-2013) versions of the engine. Also it is a non rebuildable engine. That engine went the "Vega" route and uses aluminum cylinder walls instead of iron/FRM sleeves. Having said that it is still a decent engine and my wife drives a 2010 mdx equipped with it. But I do check the oil at every fuel stop.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 06, 2024 5:24 pm 
2 BBL ''SuperSix''
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The 2009 mdx doesn't use the 3.5L. It uses the much more yucky 3.7L engine. Neither MDX has VCM which is a very large problem for vehicles that are equipped with it. VCM is hondas version of a cylinder shutdown feature and it issues with every OEM that has tried it. Hondas vcm engines have had issues with cylinder shutdown causing the oil rings to stick and then the spark plugs cool enough that oil collects on them and they foul out. The non vcm engines just burn the oil as they go and don't foul plugs.

But the reason I say that the 3.7L is yucky is because they all burn oil. My memory is that the early (2007-2009) were a bit better about it than the later (2010-2013) versions of the engine. Also it is a non rebuildable engine. That engine went the "Vega" route and uses aluminum cylinder walls instead of iron/FRM sleeves. Having said that it is still a decent engine and my wife drives a 2010 mdx equipped with it. But I do check the oil at every fuel stop.
That is correct. The 2009 MDX does have the 3.7
There is not any noticeable oil consumption and has been well maintained and of course; I still have the spare 2004 MDX in case the 2009 has issues. In many cases, older designs are better. Maybe I should go find another 3.5 and install it in 2009 MDX. :)

I was not aware of the aluminum cylinders which seems pretty unusual for a Honda but, of course; who knows what goes on in the minds of engineers?
Who's corporate job duty is: Create "new and improved" versions of the tried and true design that already works well and does not need to be "improved".

I do still have a couple quarts of Bishop's Original PfL Formula 101 (Lubrilon).
Maybe I should go ahead and add a bottle of that to next oil change and maybe change the oil more often in the 2009 MDX. 8)

Do any of you guys know what the status might be of Bishop's Original Products?

I do know that he died and his son was taking orders last time I bought some a couple years ago but now; both web sites are gone and the phone is disconnected... :(

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Scorch G.D.
PostPosted: Fri Dec 06, 2024 5:40 pm 
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There is no magic-in-a-bottle that comes anywhere close to living up to the promotional hype. Today's oils are better than those of five years ago, and vastly better than those of 10-20-50-60 years ago. Put yer wallet away and save yer dollars for something that will actually benefit you or your vehicle.

Too many people who were born on third base actually believe they've hit a triple.


PostPosted: Sat Dec 07, 2024 9:19 am 
2 BBL ''SuperSix''
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There is no magic-in-a-bottle that comes anywhere close to living up to the promotional hype. Today's oils are better than those of five years ago, and vastly better than those of 10-20-50-60 years ago. Put yer wallet away and save yer dollars for something that will actually benefit you or your vehicle.
Yes, MOST of those products are just a waste of money rising to the level of fraud with their claims.

You might want to do more research regarding the history of Bishop's products and his patented formula which was part of the original "slick 50" oil treatment before Bishop and slick 50 parted ways and he went with his own company.

Remember those stories of driving around without an oil drain plug?
That is how he used to promote the effectiveness of the product. 8)

It actually is a one time, permanent treatment of metal surfaces including cylinders, rings and bearing surfaces.

When I trained for air frame and power plant technician certification; I learned it was the only FAA approved oil treatment at that time. (Back when it was the original "slick 50" product.)

There is a very long history beginning around 1974 involving this molecular treatment that creates a very slick, permanently bonded coating on metal surfaces.

Has uses in automotive, industry, aviation, military and other applications.

All that history including details about how it works, lab tests, data sheets, testimonials etc. can all be found here: ...
(the page should have functional menus but is kind of hit and miss with the wayback machine and may have to explore other captures from

There is also the lubrilon page here: ... /index.asp

Is a dam shame if this product is now being allowed to just disappear and the last two bottles I have on the shelf are now worth their weight in gold. . .

I hope the products might still be available somewhere somehow and that somebody might know more details about it.

Kindest regards.

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Bishops Original Products – Since 1975.jpg
Bishops Original Products – Since 1975.jpg [ 77.68 KiB | Viewed 326 times ]

Scorch G.D.
PostPosted: Sat Dec 07, 2024 10:04 am 
2 BBL ''SuperSix''
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I think I see what MIGHT be the new name and company for lubrilon technology.

I remembered that back during my A&P training in 1980; there was another name for the technology that was in "Slick 50" back when it used to actually work.

That name was "microlon"....

I will have to get in touch with this company to see if there any relationship but it does appear a lot of the history and data is the same or similar.

Kindest regards.

Scorch G.D.

PostPosted: Sat Dec 07, 2024 2:25 pm 
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Yes, MOST of those products are just a waste of money
…except for this particular specific one at the centre of someone's deeply-held beliefs, of course. That's how these kinds of things always seem to go, for some strange reason.
You might want to do more research
If I were a betting man, I would bet you I've done a great deal more research on this than you have—keeping in mind that word "research" has an actual meaning, and it's not looking stuff up on Google or YouTube or the vendor's website or the patent holder's self-published promotional stuff, or seeing it on Facebook or late at night on Channel 59, or hearing about it in the locker room at work, or seeing a display at a carnival.
his patented formula
With 13 herbs and spices!
which was part of the original "slick 50" oil treatment
:lol: Mentioning Slick-50 is not a flex. It's the opposite of a flex.
It actually is a one time, permanent treatment
Oh, of course it is—all the best one-and-onlies are, fer sher!
Has uses in automotive, industry, aviation, military and other applications.
Insulate your house! Filter your coffee! Win friends and influence people! All with amazing Doctor Mo-Jo's Permanent Molecular Motor Miracle Milk! The one, the only! Demand the genuine article; accept no imitations!
worth their weight in gold
Certainly, certainly. Without a doubt.

You're not a tribologist, dude, and neither am I. Because I know I'm not an expert in this field, I defer to those who are, and every single one of them says playing Driveway Petrochemist and adding stuff to your engine oil is—at very best—of zero benefit.

Too many people who were born on third base actually believe they've hit a triple.


PostPosted: Sat Dec 07, 2024 3:32 pm 
2 BBL ''SuperSix''
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Sarcasm denotes the lack of an open mind. . . .

We see this in legacy media propaganda ALL the time when they try to distract us away from the truth by way of the "expert" authority figure telling you what to believe such as: "just trust (never question) the science". :roll:

Here is a classic example of that.
"Mythbusters Busted" -

Want to know the truth?
Begin by just examining the message and studying the documents somebody is claiming is "false" or "misinformation" 8)

Kindest regards.

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Scorch G.D.
PostPosted: Sat Dec 07, 2024 4:27 pm 
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Sarcasm also denotes the frustration of someone who has alread done/researched/experienced what the person asking the question is asking about and is having their advice rejected by the person asking the question.

But you know best. Have fun.

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