Slant Six Forum

slant 6 burnout
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Author:  70valiant [ Fri Apr 09, 2004 6:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

If it is over 60*F I can just punch it from a stop and get a nice squeal. yesterday I punched it on a slight hill turning on to the highway and produced a very nice cloud of smoke Im running a 904 and 7.25" rear w/2.76's the rest is in my sig.

Author:  ShivaDart [ Fri Apr 09, 2004 10:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

Tire burnout's fun and all but I thought the optimum setup would be one with no or little wheel spin and accelerated quickly(more power to the ground, not to twirling around).

Author:  Mike Andreas [ Fri Apr 09, 2004 10:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Never done a burn out, but!

I can spin the snot out of my tires in 1st and pretty good in second. I have a proportioning valve to the rear brakes. Maybe I should turn the rears way down and give it a try. My boys would love it. My wife thinks I've lost my mind. I didn't dare try with the 7 1/4 that was under my car until last month. It had 1/2 million miles on it. Sounded like a blender crushing ice. I've got an 8 3/4 3.23 now. WATCH OUT!!!

Before my rebuild two years ago I had a 904 and a 7 1/4 with 2.94 gears. I could barely spin the tires in the rain. That was with an AFB 9400.


Author:  CrAlt [ Tue Apr 20, 2004 7:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

Here's a video of a /6 pickup ... pickup.mpg

With a weak motored stick shift car you FLOOR the gas and rail the crap out of the motor at the same time letting your foot slip off the clutch AND at the same time get that foot to the brake pedel. You have to get the brakes just right to keep the front tires locked but not the back.

Not the /best/ thing for the rear, motor mounts, engine, tran..oh hell its not good for anything but it sure is fun :)

With a auto it should be easy to roast the tire...Just hold the brake down and floor it. Move the brake up and down till you get that ballance point of the car not moving and the back tire spinning.

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