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T-5 Secured...
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Author:  vynn3 [ Mon Jul 14, 2014 7:23 am ]
Post subject: 

You'll like this swap. The hydro bearing is the way to go. I was just noting to myself that I have a 12 yr old McLeod hydro TOB (concentric with input shaft) that has ~40k on it and plenty of thrashing. Still fine.

I think folks who have had leak issues either did not bleed theirs properly, or did not get a good geometry for the linkage from the pedal to the clutch MC.

Yeah, I'm hoping the pricey bracket from AP will keep the clutch pedal alignment happy: ... l-kit.html

Just need to figure out how to drill the stud out of the clutch pedal. I spent a few minutes of useless effort using a vice and a hand-drill, and it didn't make a scratch. Guess I'm going to need a better drill bit for the adamantium they used.

I was also thinking I could try and saw it off and drill a hole beside where the stud was. Should be plenty of room.

Author:  Sam Powell [ Mon Jul 14, 2014 3:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

Mopar knew what metal to make really hard. That is one reason they lasted so long.


Author:  mattelderca [ Tue Jul 15, 2014 5:13 am ]
Post subject: 


Just need to figure out how to drill the stud out of the clutch pedal. I spent a few minutes of useless effort using a vice and a hand-drill, and it didn't make a scratch. Guess I'm going to need a better drill bit for the adamantium they used.
Grind some of the surface away before drilling, usually gets you to softer metal.

Author:  Dart270 [ Tue Jul 15, 2014 6:00 am ]
Post subject: 

I was under my dash this morning installing a new tach. Can't figure out why anyone would use the factory linkage location off the pedal. I guess that's why they had to engineer that angle bracket.

I have a straight piece of 5/16" rod with a heim joint coming from the rear most part of the pedal linkage to the MC. I think it's where the factory overcenter spring was. I drilled my own hold to line up with where I bolted the MC, flat on the firewall (with a gusset plate also flat against the firewall). The rod is along the axis of the MC bore for most of the travel.

I know someone is going to ask me post a pic, which I will try to do, but feel free to bother me about it in a week if I haven't done it.


Author:  Sam Powell [ Wed Jul 16, 2014 2:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

I put a 10" clutch for an early 60's galaxy in front of my mustang T5 on an '80 Volare flywheel and pressure plate. I got the disk and pressure plate from NAPA. The stock plate slipped with the turbo, but the input shaft seal was bad, and leaked on the disk. I honestly think it would have been OK if it had stayed dry.


Author:  vynn3 [ Wed Jul 16, 2014 4:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

I put a 10" clutch for an early 60's galaxy in front of my mustang T5 on an '80 Volare flywheel and pressure plate. I got the disk and pressure plate from NAPA. The stock plate slipped with the turbo, but the input shaft seal was bad, and leaked on the disk. I honestly think it would have been OK if it had stayed dry.

That's good to know, Sam. I'll be pushing a lot less power through my stock pp and Mustang clutch disk, but I was still wondering if (hoping?) it would hold up okay.

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