Slant Six Forum

8.25 carrier ID
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Author:  jcab [ Mon Jan 10, 2005 7:41 pm ]
Post subject:  8.25 carrier ID

I copied this from an old post:

Duster Idiot wrote:
The 2.45/2.24 carriers are different (I 've seen one's that looked narrower/skinnier) and will not accept the 2.76 and higher ratio ring gears....The fix for that is to pull a carrier races and ring and pinion out of a car/truck and install into your 2.45 or worse axle housing.... (Of course I'd like to see one of the 'Sure Grip' 2.45's that was possible to get from 1973-1976....boy, that'd be a real screamer....).

Is there a way to ID the different carriers externally? Or do you have to figure out what gears you have, and if you find that they are 2.45/2.24 then you are S.O.L.?

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