Slant Six Forum

And for the rest of us
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Author: [ Wed Feb 02, 2005 2:17 pm ]
Post subject:  And for the rest of us

For those of us who didn't read that can you enlighten us? Are you saying any old F or J body spindels can be used to upgrade to fron disk brakes?

Author:  '68signet [ Wed Feb 02, 2005 3:49 pm ]
Post subject: 


(if you subscribe to the theory that the non a-e body spindle doesn't screw up the front suspension geometry too much)!

For a street car the non a-body spindle works fine.

Author:  ShivaDart [ Wed Feb 02, 2005 7:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

there are also others that believe the non A-body spindles are better, personally I'm running other body spindles and have had no problem and I ride the suspension hard at times, more so than many people because I believe it's important to know how to use your car. I seriousely doubt that you could tell the difference in handling between the two spindles, but I wouldn't shy away from using other body spindles.

As for the article, check out

there's another one that is against using other body spindles, I can't remember it's URL, personally I would read both of them before making any decisions(and read anything else you can get your hands on). I can endorse all I like, but I admit I haven't done any scientific testing, these articles have or at least know more about suspension then I do.

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