Slant Six Forum

2bb on a 1bb manifold
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Author:  casedawg [ Sat Apr 23, 2005 12:18 pm ]
Post subject:  2bb on a 1bb manifold

hi, my holley1920 is starting to go out on me, so i was wondering if i could just put a 2bb onto the original 1bb intake manifold. what parts do i have to get besides an adapter plate? thanks for any help you guys can give me. also, if anyone has a float for the holley 1920, i would gladly buy it off you.


Author:  argentina-slantsixer [ Sat Apr 23, 2005 3:28 pm ]
Post subject: 

ain't make sense to put a 2 bbl carb over a 1 bbl mani. The right manifold wouldn't be so expensive and wouldn't be a pain in the ass to install, so find yourself a supersix conversion kit from any junkyard. Make sure you get all the linkages, tranny, throttle cable, gas pedal (if you have the earlier rod type) if you find a good deal you may be able to get the whole thing including carb (wich most likely would have to be overhauled) under 100 bux.

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Sat Apr 23, 2005 3:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

Argentina-Slantsixer is right. Use the correct 2bbl intake manifold if you want a 2bbl carb. The adaptor plates are silly and create problems.

Floats for Holley 1920s can still be had from NAPA Echlin and Standard-Hygrade. Probably from Holley, too!

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