Slant Six Forum

7-1/4 rear end shim, gear settup kit
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Author:  Galactica5 [ Tue Jul 25, 2006 5:38 pm ]
Post subject:  7-1/4 rear end shim, gear settup kit

I'm considering getting this 7-1/4 rear end shim, gear settup kit for the pinion seal and cover gasket.
Does this Mopar part #P4876646 7-1/4 rear end shim, gear settup kit work on ALL 7-1/4 rear ends?
I was told it does, but don't want to buy it and find the pinion seal won't work on my 69' 7-1/4 rear end 2.76 ratio.

Author:  Greg Ondayko [ Wed Jul 26, 2006 7:41 am ]
Post subject: 

Not all 7.25's are internally the same.

around 73 when they started making the LPB 7.25 with 10" brakes they did away with the shims and used side adjusters and c clips like the 8.25.

If yours rear is an original sbp 69 unit that part should work.


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