Slant Six Forum

What am I supposed to adjust curb idle with?
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Author:  Ed Mullen [ Tue Sep 30, 2008 6:51 am ]
Post subject:  What am I supposed to adjust curb idle with?

I had eliminated AC in my 87 b150 /6 w/Holley 1945.

I currently have the old idle control solenoid attached to the carb with the wire disconnected and have set curb idle with it's adjusting screw.

I went poking around the Holley website for parts (I have been totally unsucsessful everywhere else. I did find a manufacturer called 'Walker'--not the mufflers--but could not find a local dealer and they had never replied to my email.)

Holley lists a solenoid for AC, and a dashpot for manual trans, but nothing for non-AC automatic.

I don't like the unplugged solenoid because the motor keeps running for a second after the key is off.

Should I just get the AC solenoid and power it off the run position, or is there some other part I should find/use.

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