Slant Six Forum

Alternator belt running at slant, is that bad?
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Author:  Robert [ Sat Feb 09, 2002 3:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Alternator belt running at slant, is that bad?

I replaced my single pulley alternator w/ a dual pulley alternator (the only alternator they had that would fit my car), and as a result, my belt runs at a very slight slant (what i mean is, it's a little bit further forward than it was before). Will this affect anything, or is this arrangement okay?

Thanks again for your help,

Author:  Tom Gilsdorf [ Sat Feb 09, 2002 4:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Alternator belt running at slant, is that bad?

: I replaced my single pulley alternator w/ a
: dual pulley alternator (the only alternator
: they had that would fit my car), and as a
: result, my belt runs at a very slight slant
: (what i mean is, it's a little bit further
: forward than it was before). Will this
: affect anything, or is this arrangement
: okay?
: Thanks again for your help,
: Robert.

A little misalignment won't hurt for a short time. Long term, you're going to hurt the bearings. Also not doing the belt any favors.

Do you have your single pulley? Option #1 would be to swap the pulleys. Option #2 would be to find the crank and water pump pulleys to match your new alternator. Option #3 would be to shim the old pulleys.


Author:  Daniel J. Stern [ Sat Feb 09, 2002 7:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Alternator belt running at slant, is that bad?

: I replaced my single pulley alternator w/ a
: dual pulley alternator (the only alternator
: they had that would fit my car),

I *NEVER* use "remanufactured" parts from the parts store. My experience with them over the years has been so awful, from so many sources, that I find it far cheaper and much more effective in the long run to take the time and effort to obtain a properly-repaired ("rebuilt") item done by a competent independent technician. The factory-reman starters, alternators, carburetors, etc. are usually thrown-together junk made with parts from six or seven different originals and put together with low-quality replaceable/wear parts. I find that "lifetime warranty" just means you get to spend your "lifetime" returning parts under "warranty" and getting hassled by the counterman at the parts store. No thanks!
: result, my belt runs at a very slight slant

Sounds like you put the belt on the foreward belt groove. When using a dual-pulley alternator on a car that came with a single-pulley unit, the REAR groove is the correct one.
: is this arrangement okay?

No. You're going to lose your belt in a hurry. If putting the belt on the rear groove doesn't fix it, the alternator wasn't assembled correctly.
Don't count on an exchange replacement being assembled correctly, either.


Author:  Doc. [ Mon Feb 11, 2002 9:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Alternator belt alignment

: A little misalignment won't hurt for a short
: time. Long term, you're going to hurt the
: bearings. Also not doing the belt any
: favors.
: Do you have your single pulley? Option #1 would
: be to swap the pulleys. Option #2 would be
: to find the crank and water pump pulleys to
: match your new alternator. Option #3 would
: be to shim the old pulleys.
: Gilly

I have used "option # 1" a few times over the years, with the correct puller, that little pulley comes right off.

I would take a measurment first, remove the pulleys and swap the single groove over to the new unit. ( a good independant parts store with a small shop can do this or a decent auto repair garage)

If both grooves on the double pulley do not line-up correctly, I would say the pulley is not pressed completly onto the shaft. Here again, I would pull it off and do some checking before tring to push it on "deeper".

Author:  Mark [ Mon Feb 11, 2002 1:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Alternator belt alignment

: I have used "option # 1" a few times
: over the years, with the correct puller,
: that little pulley comes right off.
: I would take a measurment first, remove the
: pulleys and swap the single groove over to
: the new unit. ( a good independant parts
: store with a small shop can do this or a
: decent auto repair garage)
: If both grooves on the double pulley do not
: line-up correctly, I would say the pulley is
: not pressed completly onto the shaft. Here
: again, I would pull it off and do some
: checking before tring to push it on
: "deeper".
: DD

I had a 68 Valiant with a slant and it originally came with the single pulley alternator. When I went to the 61 amp alternator all I could find was the double pulley type. I ran the car like this for years with the belt on the back groove of the pulley. This gave the best alignment. I think I changed 1 belt and 1 alternator in 5 years and this was my daily transportation. The 61 amp worked better with A/C and electronic ignition.

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