Slant Six Forum

Andrew Wagner - wheel spacers for Conquest wheels
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Author:  Dart270 [ Sat May 04, 2002 3:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Andrew Wagner - wheel spacers for Conquest wheels

Hey Andrew and everybody,

I hope the racing was on this weekend (rain?) at Mason Dixon, and that you had a blast and the new motor was strong.

One question about those Conquest wheels (16X7, 5" backspace): Did you have to run any wheel spacer in the front so that the wheel does not hit the upper ball joint? On my Dart (same spindle/brake geometry as yours) it looks like the inner rim edge might rub on that BJ with 5" backspacing. Just curious.

Feel free to email me back and I'll post the response here, or you can respond here.

Thanks very much,


Author:  andrew [ Sun May 05, 2002 4:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Andrew Wagner - wheel spacers for Conquest whe

No I did not have to. At frist it looked that way but it clears. I will take a pic and post it tonite. and I will be at the races today.

andrew wagner
: Hey Andrew and everybody,
: I hope the racing was on this weekend (rain?)
: at Mason Dixon, and that you had a blast and
: the new motor was strong.
: One question about those Conquest wheels (16X7,
: 5" backspace): Did you have to run any
: wheel spacer in the front so that the wheel
: does not hit the upper ball joint? On my
: Dart (same spindle/brake geometry as yours)
: it looks like the inner rim edge might rub
: on that BJ with 5" backspacing. Just
: curious.
: Feel free to email me back and I'll post the
: response here, or you can respond here.
: Thanks very much,
: Lou

Author:  Doctor Dodge (Doug Dutra) [ Sun May 05, 2002 9:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Andrew Wagner - Good luck at the Races

: No I did not have to. At frist it looked that
: way but it clears. I will take a pic and
: post it tonite. and I will be at the races
: today.
: andrew wagner

We can't wait to hear how your new engine / turbo set-up runs. Best of luck!
(I'm alway on edge with new engine set-ups, I've had too many go boom on their first time out to the track : - (
(then again, most of those have been "never done before" combos . . . live and learn!)

Author:  Matt Cramer [ Sun May 05, 2002 1:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Andrew Wagner - wheel spacers for Conquest whe

I tried to use that size wheel - same backspacing and all - on my '66 with '79 Newport brakes. It looked all right in the air, but when it came off the jackstands it scraped so badly I could barely move the car. And that was with 1/4" spacers. I would be cautious.

Author:  Dart270 [ Mon May 06, 2002 5:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Andrew Wagner - wheel spacers for Conquest whe

: I tried to use that size wheel - same
: backspacing and all - on my '66 with '79
: Newport brakes. It looked all right in the
: air, but when it came off the jackstands it
: scraped so badly I could barely move the
: car. And that was with 1/4" spacers. I
: would be cautious.


Thanks for your response. Which spindles and brakes did you use? Are the spindles the '73-76 Dart units and the brakes the 11.75" B-body rotors?? Or, did you use spindles from the Newport or some other car?

Thanks very much,


Author:  Matt Cramer [ Tue May 07, 2002 3:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Andrew Wagner - wheel spacers for Conquest whe

This setup uses the '73-'76 A-body spindles, upper control arms, and ball joints.

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