yes VE measures how efficiently the engine is operating even with adders or ram-tuning you can go over the 100% mark. Typical slant six in best tune is about 69-70% efficient. add some compression and components that work together it can go up to about 85% in street trim...
Because you can 'bend the rules' (hard to do that with hard physics and math...but there is an art to some things in the auto world)...I can say that your graph would be off since I was able to get a 3400 lb duster to do 24 mpg 100% Higway at about 196HP (estimated from track 1/4 mile)...in a 10:1 compression engine...I wish I had a dyno sheet it would have been interesting to see the VE numbers on the build(probably in the 90% range).
One of the automotive tech teachers here in town always says that good gas mileage is related to your useable torque band, the engine above had a good wide torque band from 1500-5500 rpm...
Except this graph shows an increase of HP on a slant does not increase MPG.
I'm just saying this graph shows an 15 HP increase over early stock engines to comparable 18 highway MPG ratings. I've seen numbers show decreasing differential gear (by a matter of one) say 3.25 to 2.23 increases MPG by 5. May I quote this from The Peterson book. Decrease (numerically) your rear gear size, add a turbo to the engine with 4-7 pounds boost, smaller carburetor jet/s. That's a general guideline for any fuel efficient car.
It would be very challenging to match the economy of some of the new cars available today.
Well Agressive_ted's slant does 25 mpg which is comparable to today's cars that are made with super light materials but overloaded with technology just to make the same MPG as cars 30 years ago.
For instance the new mustang; it's like 1/4 bigger than the original 1965 Mustang and it's loaded with plastic and technology that just makes it as heavy as the original if not more. they engine management computer technology allows it to get slight better mpg. Rediculous.
'73 Scamp (the girlfriend): 225ci super/6 2BBL conversion (Almost done!)
'90 Subaru, wagon (the wife): H4-cyl 2.2L
1977 Mercedes-Benz 300D, 5cyl diesel(For sale!)