Slant Six Forum

What to look for in a 2nd hand rebuilt long block
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Author:  retrorobot [ Mon Nov 28, 2016 9:23 am ]
Post subject:  What to look for in a 2nd hand rebuilt long block

Hi all, I'm considering buying a rebuilt long block from Craigslist. The guy bought it in a lot of 7 engines and has no use for it. It was wrapped and palleted and obviously never used. Since I can't run it, what should I be looking for as indicatiors of build integrity? Thanks.

Author:  Doctor Dodge [ Tue Nov 29, 2016 8:49 am ]
Post subject: 

Look for a rebuilder's tag on it... those tags will often give over-bore and crank size info.
Do a general inspection... is it nice & clean? New freeze plugs? Well painted with no "paint over grease" sort of stuff.
Spray a little oil thru the spark plug holes and then rotate the engine with a wrench, to see if it spins freely.

Author:  retrorobot [ Wed Nov 30, 2016 11:42 am ]
Post subject: 

Thanks Doc - appreciate the input. I'm going to check it out this week. I know it's generally frowned upon to pick up a rebuild vs. building one from the ground up, but I've had my engine on a stand for over a year and just have had no time to get to it. Maybe someday. And I think I can get this long block for a good enough price to offset the risk.

Author:  retrorobot [ Fri Dec 02, 2016 8:05 am ]
Post subject: 

So I picked it up yesterday - well, actually the guy delivered it :D . It is clean, looks fresh and it cranked over nice and smooth by hand. Couldn't locate any markings indicating overbore or crank size, but I plan on doing further inspection this weekend. I'm also going to pull the head off and see what's doing inside. He threw in another used /6 head he had laying around and with delivery, I paid $450. We'll see what's in store and I'm tempering my own expectations, but I think it was worth a shot. Thanks!


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