Slant Six Forum

Lokar shifter, /6 a904 bellhousing
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Author:  chi/6er [ Sun Jul 18, 2004 4:13 am ]
Post subject:  Lokar shifter, /6 a904 bellhousing

Has anyone used the Lokar automatic floor shifter? I guess it bolts to trans, and uses a likage instead of cable...

also need to get a spare /6 904 trans, how do I tell the difference between a /6 model and a small block one? thanks

Author:  volaredon [ Sun Jul 18, 2004 7:51 am ]
Post subject: 

Hey, talk to Chuck (abodynut) and Dennis, they are both in the Chicago area and last I knew, both had a /6 trans or 2 laying around. There was a guy in NW IL (dont know specifically where, but he was parting out a 74 Valiant. Had a post here and on .com about "last call for 74 valiant".
I would then suggest that you drop it by your trans repair buddy (everyone has a buddy like this, right??) and let him go thru it before you put it in the car to be sure you wont have to pull the trans twice.

Author:  chi/6er [ Mon Jul 19, 2004 3:52 am ]
Post subject:  a904 trans

thanks Volaredon, actually dennis was giving away a 904 back a few months, but Charles needed one and i told dennis to give it him instead..the guy with the 74 valiant, I think he already junked it at end of June...But I really want to know what is the physical difference between a /6 and small block tran, is it the starter position?, and I am sure bolt pattern is not the same...incase I see one in the junkyard, how do I tell?thanks.....Jerry

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